Episode 4

Episode Summary

In the hustle and bustle of college life, it’s easy to get swept up in everything that’s going on around you. There always seems to be another student group event happening, another career fair, or another friend asking to make plans. I remember being a freshman and being absolutely lost about what to do and where to focus my energy. College is a whirlwind, even for the seemingly most prepared individuals. Now, dear listeners, I’d like you to imagine going through all that again, but traversing from across the world to go to your university. You’re time zones away from family and familiarity, unsure if it’s anguish or adventure that awaits you. My sincerest for the dramatics, but studying abroad isn’t for the faint of heart. That’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about today with our guest–the lovely Joslyn Blass, a third-year international student from Singapore studying political science and strategic communications.

About the Guest

Joslyn Blass is a third-year student at the University of Minnesota, studying political science and strategic communications. Joslyn was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Singapore before moving to the United States for university in 2021. Within the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), Joslyn serves as the Interim Director of Government and Legislative Affairs, Civic Engagement Coordinator, and Liaison for the Association of Big Ten Students. Outside of USG, she is the President of the Undergraduate Political Science Association and the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Alpha Phi. Joslyn is passionate about reproductive health, voter rights, and campus safety. In her free time Joslyn enjoys reading fantasy novels and anything on geopolitics. She’s pursuing a career in international affairs or geopolitical risk. 



Casino Blue, Mr Smith, Free Music Archive, CC BY

Undergraduate Student Government

Working as the voice of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities undergraduate student body by shaping university policy, working with university administrators and the Board of Regents, and engaging with legislators at every level of government.


Episode 3


Episode 5