Supply Grant General Criteria:

Supply Grant applications must be submitted by October 1st, 2020 for fall semester and March 1st, 2021 for spring semester, in order to receive full­ year funding. If there is money leftover, late applications will be judged on a first­ come, first­ serve basis.

  • Student group must meet at least once per month

  • Supply Grants CANNOT be used to fund events.

  • Student groups that charge membership fees will NOT be funded.

  • Graduate student groups will NOT be funded.

Supply grant advertising criteria

  • Group must table three times per semester OR advertise on bulletin boards & maintain up-to-date social media page.


Expenses that MAY be funded

  • Group Promotional materials

  • Recruitment events

  • Student group fees

  • Various equipment needs

  • Office supplies necessary for operation


Expenses that will NOT be funded

  • Salaries/stipends for organization members

  • Payments to any individual, student or non­student (i.e., event organizer, staff person, etc.)

  • Personal expenses of any kind

Amount of Funding and Distribution Process:

  • Groups may not receive more than $10 per person per semester and up to $500 per semester from the MSA organizational budget grant.

  • The first 50% of the grant will be given upon approval of the grant application.

  • Students groups will be mailed their check within one week of their proposal being approved. 

  • The last 50% will be given upon successful review of the student organization’s budget and/or   expenditure reports to validate that the money was spent appropriately as of or before the end of fall semester. Accordingly, it is the requirement of the student organization to submit the budget and/or expenditure report no later than December 1st of fall semester and May 1st of spring semester, if past the deadline, the student organization will not be receiving further funding from MSA for that school year.

  • MSA does not encourage spending money for the sake of spending money, and if the budgeted amount is not used, the remaining amount will count as part of the $500 maximum for the next year. More money will not be awarded until past awards have been properly accounted for.

Reporting and Applying:

  • Every expense must be clearly shown with receipts for every purchase.

  • Expected income (even pending) must be clearly shown.

  • Expenses must be broken down into as much detail as possible.

  • A side­ by ­side comparison of expected expenses and actual expenses must be clearly shown.

  • Other sources of funding must be shown (if applicable).


Grant will be denied if:

  • The application is extensively inaccurate in budget forecasts and expense reports.

  • The student group charges membership fees to new members.

  • The student group, or any individual, profits financially.

  • The application does not meet the criteria, eligibility, or spirit of the MSA Grants Rules and Mission.

  • The student group is a graduate student group.

Other Criteria:

  • The proposed budget allows interested students to continue involvement, to learn more about the group, idea, service, or cause through attending a group meeting or event.

  • The specific group is not provided by a University of Minnesota service provider, or is not accessible to students normally.

  • The grant should attract new members, and encourage growth of the applying of the student group.

  • The grant should increase accessibility for all. 

  • MSA reserves the right to deny funding (appeal dates can be scheduled).

  • MSA reserves the right to fund specific budget line items.

  • There is a limited pool of funding, therefore, not every grant will be funded.