About Task Forces
USG has three different Task Forces, each pertaining to a specific advocacy topic: Basic Needs, Campus Safety, and Sexual Assault. Each Task Force, like each Committee, represents a pillar in our organization's advocacy beliefs and leads projects related to its topic. Guided by Task Force chairs, they create fundamental change through writing legislation, hosting student events, launching various campaign initiatives, and more! Any student is welcome to reach out to our Task Force Chairs and join a Task Force to be a part of change here at the University of Minnesota. Read below to learn more about each Task Force.
Basis Needs Task Force
The Basic Needs Task Force (BNTF) is responsible for ensuring that University of Minnesota students’ basic needs are met. We work on initiatives that aim to reduce student basic need insecurities across campuses. This task force utilizes the resources of the Undergraduate Student Government in order to enact changes with the University administration, organize programs with outside organizations, and set-up student participatory events.
Campus Safety Task Force
The Campus Safety Task Force (CSTF) works to ensure that students feel safe on and near campus through developing safety programs, increasing awareness, and working with all sorts of safety departments and groups to make UMN a safer place for all
Sexual Assault Task Force
The Sexual Assault Task Force (SATF) amplifies the voices of victims and survivors and those historically excluded from the conversation. Together, they fight to create a campus where there is zero tolerance for sexual assault and host self-defense workshops, safety panels, and fundraise for the Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education.